Thursday, February 14, 2008

Education 3602

A reflection on the course?

Having grown up in a family where four of my siblings are special needs, I am always interested in taking a class that addresses "A typical" students. I had taken a Special Ed class just last semester with Noella and so I felt comfortable and confident with the class content in 3602. I would hate to say it, but for me personally, it was quite a bit of review. I must admit, I didn't know much about assistive technology or gifted and talented students. However, I know that the quick overview of the Alberta Education standards for Special Need students as well as BOATS was helpful to the class. It is so hard to say what I would want more.

I know that time is sparse, and there are a range of things to be covered, however I feel that one thing could be covered more extensively: IPP's. I would have liked to have bigger case studies and maybe a partner assignment to create a short IPP. I think that those are what we as teachers will be dealing with a lot in our teaching career. I liked the Blogs, and I liked the additional reading resources you suggested for our Blogs.

Thank You Maurice.

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